Transformational Services

Higher Ground International’s Transformational Services Program works with individuals to help them to live vibrantly in their communities.

After the immediate needs of a refugee or immigrant are addressed, we empower them to transform their lives.

Transformational Services include:

* – HGI’s Women’s Workforce Program provides workforce readiness education and training to female refugees and immigrants and prepares them for careers in:
* – Manufacturing
* – Textiles
* – Social enterprises
* – And more!
* – HGI’s Education Program provides on-site and community-based opportunities to learn and grow professionally and personally. Opportunities include:
* – Learning how to read and write in English
* – ESL classes
* – Financial literacy
* – And more!

To learn more about our Transformational Services, click HERE to get in touch.

You can restore DIGNITY. You can EMPOWER lives.
You can help to keep PEACE.

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    Higher Ground International is a forward-thinking and culturally grounded social impact nonprofit organization. We are dedicated to advocating for, empowering, and providing life-changing services to Liberians and West African immigrants, refugees, and other marginalized communities. We seek to restore dignity, empower lives, and keep peace through work that centers and celebrates the cultural heritage and unique individuality of those we serve.


    Higher Ground International was founded in 2008 by Henrietta White-Holder, a native of Liberia, to help support the vast needs of refugee arrivals who had experienced the traumas of civil war. Click Here to learn more about our History.


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